The Ninth Academy of Engineering Presidents'Meeting
at STS forum 2019
Date & Time: Monday 7 October 2019; 12:30-14:00
Place: Room 103, Kyoto International Conference Center (Location)
Facilitator: Prof.Dr., Hideaki Koizumi EAJ Executive Vice President
1. Welcome address by President Hiroyuki Abé of EAJ (12:30~12:35)
2. Self-introduction of attendees (12:35~12:50)
3. Keynote presentation (12:50~13:20)
(1) Introduction to “EAJ Urgent Proposal 2019”
-For Creating Innovations- Prof. Hiroyuki Abé, EAJ President
(2) Explanation of “EAJ Urgent Proposal 2019”
-To Stop the Fall of Japan’s Level of Engineering and Technological Science- Prof. Terutaka Kuwahara, EAJ Member
4. Discussion (13:20~13:55)
5. Closing (13:55~14:00)